Today I will present you an easy way to create applications that support multiple languages, using Vue JS & Tolgee.
Nowadays, creating an app that supports multiple languages is becoming more and more indispensable to reach a wide range of users. So this time, with the help of React we are going to build it.
This time you will learn how to perform basic HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) with the help of axios and using React JS.
Have you ever seen some articles that say: "created 2 days ago", and wondered how you can do just that? Well today I will show you a way to get that result.
This time, we will again create dynamic forms but now with the help of the react-hook-form library.
React Query is a large and complete library that facilitates the work when making client-side requests to the server and even performs much more than that. But Did you know that you can use this library as a state manager?, possibly an alternative to redux-toolkit, zustand, among others. In this article I will show you how to implement it this way.